LRF team wons third place in the national final of the contest “IDEAS FOR MILK” promoted by EMBRAPA

31/12/2016 22:29


Work under development at LRF  won the third place in the national  final of the  contest “IDEAS FOR MILK” promoted by EMBRAPA. The project is  the result of more than six  years of research, involving undergraduate and graduate students.  Initially, the focus was on the petroleum  extraction sites, where the knowledge of the  water-oil fraction during the oil  extraction carried relevant information about the well. merchanDivulgaUFSC1A microwave resonant cavity based sensor has been used in this context.  More recently, the group started looking for new applications for the sensor, in particular those where there is a correlation between  the electrical permittivity and a property of interest. This is the case of  milk,  where the total of solids (mainly fat) defines the quality of the product and is submitted to specific regulations.  Fortunately, we can correlate the amount of total solids (or fat) with the electrical permittivity of the milk using our microwave sensor. For the contest, we proposed to use it to  improve the accuracy  of the milk  production process in real time.  The research is conducted by  prof. Fernando Rangel and  prof. Daniel  Pagano, by the PhD students Heron Ávila e Roddy Romero and  by the undergraduate student Celso Leite.