Radiofrequency Laboratory

 The enormous chalenges and opportunities provided by the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, Industry 4.0 and new technologies to come demand new paradigms of efficient signal acquisition, processing and communication.


 At LRF, we use our expertise on  RF Design to solve problems requiring new sensing systems. The focus of our research is  the development of sensors, circuits and  systems for applications requiring measurement. Due to our strong background in RF design, we give emphasis on wireless or contactless solutions. Depending on the necessity, we design CMOS integrated circuits for miniaturization and low power consumption.


In addition, we are very committed to the academic excellence and social  relevance of the research. We prioritize high impact factor journals for communicating  our results.


The LRF expertise by areas of interest:


  • Wireless Power Transfer
  • Contactless Measurement
  • Chipless Sensing
  • Permitivity  Measurement
  • RF electronics
  • Circuits for biomedical applications
  • Wireless Body Area Networks